Recent Events

University in Seestadt

Don’t miss out: students present their finished projects!

What have the students developed over the course of two semesters? Are you curious? – drop by!

Why it is worth taking part in the aspern Seestadt mobility survey

An overview of all information on the mobility survey

New OECD report on green innovation projects at universities

The report is based on ten international case studies of university partnerships with industry and society in the areas of green mobility, green energy and green products, services and processes.

University in Seestadt

Uni in der Seestadt – Game night

Would you like to test unique design games with us?

DyMoN Webinar-Serie

Take part in the upcoming webinars to gain an interdisciplinary insight into the motivation for sustainable urban mobility.

Deutsche Welle: Seestadt Aspern, Vienna’s city of the future

Reporter Wiebke Feuersenger spent several days travelling around aspern Seestadt for Deutsche Welle, taking a look at what life is like in Vienna’s urban development area – also on the agenda: a visit to aspern.mobil LAB!

Das Seestädter

Your ideas are welcome: help shape the neighbourhood to the north of the lake!

Lab Hour

The Mobility Cube

Finally, the time has come: The WienMobil station in Maria-Tusch-Straße is being expanded to include a lounge area.

Popup Lab

Seestadt – Street Festival 2023

We are happy to be part of the street festival in Seestadt again this year. You will find us with our research mat at the Hannah-Arendt-Park.

A portrait: Magdalena Bürbaumer

Smart City Wien: The interview with our colleague Magdalena is now published!


Mobility stories

The aspern.mobil LAB invites interested people – preferably people who live or work in aspern Seestadt – to give us an insight into their very personal mobility history and development within the framework of biographical interviews.

Sensorbox zur Messung von Temperatur und Lärm
Lab Hour

Measure heat and noise: Test our sensor box!

We cordially invite you to test our sensor box this summer. With it you can measure and observe the heat and noise development on your terrace, your balcony, your garden, your workplace – at least outdoors.

Jori Thaler mit Verkehrsmitteln, die im Blog behandelt werden

Mobility Blog #1 | Park-and-Ride

At aspern.mobil LAB, young, committed people can complete their voluntary environmental year. Jori is currently with us! Read the blog post to find out what’s on his mind at the moment!

Lab Hour

Telraam in aspern Seestadt

Telraam is an innovative sensor for automated mobility measurement. With a camera pointed at the street, pedestrians, cyclists, cars and heavy vehicles are recorded.

New DATAhub version available!

The DATAhub is the platform where all data (temperature and noise readings) acquired with the help of our sensor boxes are collected.

Karte mit Verortung des neuen aspern.mobil LABs

New aspern.mobil LAB location!

From now on you will find us at Sonnenallee 35, 1220 Vienna!