Deutsche Welle: Seestadt Aspern, Vienna’s city of the future

Report on aspern Seestadt

Did you happen to bump into a three-person camera team in aspern Seestadt at the beginning of August?

Reporter Wiebke Feuersenger spent several days in aspern Seestadt for Deutsche Welle, taking a look at what life is like in one of Vienna’s big urban development areas.

She took a look into the past (What urban planning and mobility plans / concepts were the foundation for the development area?) as well as into the future (What will happen in the next few years?).

As a mobility lab, we also presented our work to Wiebke – our colleague Magdalena Bürbaumer and our colleague Florian Pühringer explain what we do and why we are located in the Seestadt of all places.


The video is available in different languages and definitely worth watching!

Versions: German | English | Spanish | Hindi | Bengali (16.11.2023)| Tamil (pending) | Arabic (pending)

Social Media – short films: English #1 | English #2 | English #3Portuguese