Online purchases are growing steadily, and logistics functions such as transport, storage and delivery to customers are predominantly handled by courier, express and parcel service companies (CEP) with a highly standardised and standardised range of services. This idea of standardisation is increasingly contrasted by the demand for individualisation and consequently the need for adaptive, customer-specific logistics services. “Micro-hubs” as stationary infrastructural facilities in urban areas are innovative solutions at which flows of goods from different sources will be bundled, dissolved and transferred to alternative transport solutions in the future. An economically sustainable concept for the operation of such micro-hubs cannot be implemented under the current framework conditions in the CEP sector; it is necessary to jointly investigate the future requirements here in order to subsequently be able to develop new services at, in and around micro-hubs.



Name: Bernhard Ennser
Email: bernhard.ennser@fh-vie.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 720 12 86-932

Fachhochschule des BFI Wien GmbH

Lab hour


Funding body

Funded as part of the “Mobility of the Future” programme by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).