Walk & Feel

The Walk & Feel project pursues the overarching goal of improving the conditions for pedestrians and thereby increasing the quality of life and stay in urban areas. The prerequisite for this is a comprehensive and high-quality database for assessing the quality of footpaths.

The innovation of the research project lies in the development of a sensor fusion method (combination of different measurement parameters), which represents a significant further development of the current state of research. Sensor measurements (“objective” technical measurement data) and eDiary inputs (“subjective” sensations) are related to each other in order to be able to identify and locate the trigger of the human-physiological reaction.

The utilisation potential of the developed methodology is underlined by concrete recommendations for walkability studies. Areas of application in planning practice as well as in participatory processes are considered.



Name: Ulrike Brocza
Email: ulrike.brocza@prisma-solutions.at
Tel: +43 660 8665519

PRISMA solutions


Further partners

Research Unit Transportation System Planing (MOVE), Institute of Spatial Planning, TU Wien

Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS, University Salzburg

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Design of City and Landscape



Funded by the BMVIT’s “Mobility of the Future” programme.